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About Us

Jeff Krahl is an International Performance Coach who has helped thousands of people achieve a higher level of success in their business, personal life and finding their Soul Mate.  With more than 25,000 hours of coaching time, Jeff Krahl has been fortunate in helping many business owners create a recurring revenue stream that enables them to have more time/freedom doing what matters to them.  His clients have experienced quantum leaps in their business that generates millions of more dollars.  Jeff Krahl will guide you through a process that leads you to improvements in sales, marketing, team development, and efficient systems with accountability.  His practical business experience coupled with a track record of corporate level success make him an invaluable resource for small business owners.  Jeff Krahl's first book The 5th Power outlines 5 key powers of business that Jeff has used over the years with successful CEO's, entrepreneurs, professional business executives, and others reach a higher level of success over his career.  He demonstrates these powers in his own life to find his soul mate in less than 120 days.  


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